Homemade Food Reviews: Las Vegas part Une

(Warning:  This entry encompasses three days, four restaurants and a back story.  It’s going to be long is what I am saying.  Enjoy!)

Hello Extras!

I know it’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog but it was the holidays and I’ve done a little traveling but I’m back with a blog about my foodie trip to Las Vegas.  (I’ve been waiting to get the pictures up from the trip but I haven’t gotten them yet but I will update this entry with pics when I get them!)

First the story, then the reviews!

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Homemade Food Reviews: L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon

Hello Extras!

In my last post, I said I was going to write a special addition to the Las Vegas part Une post and here it is!  Jamie and I wanted to go to one of the restaurants featured on Top Chef: Las Vegas so we went back into our memories and tried to figure out which restaurants were featured.  We couldn’t remember the restaurants but we remembered a few of the chefs that showed up in a few of the episodes.  Jamie remembered the Chef of the Century Joel Robuchon and we were set.  He has two restaurants in MGM Grand that we could choose from, Joel Robuchon which had 3 Michelin Star(!!!) or L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon which had 1 Michelin Star(!).  We couldn’t get a reservation at Joel Robuchon but was able to get one in L’Atelier.  So it was set.  We were going to have the tasting menu ($85) when we got there, but we were all apprehensive about the term “tasting menu” because we were unsure of what the size of the plates were going to be or whether if it was worth the price. Continue reading